Learning Objectives

SQL Introduction and Motivation


Basic SQL


  • Case does not matter (i.e. select is the same as SELECT is the same as SeLeCt), but it is standard to have all statements be in UPPERCASE (i.e. SELECT).

  • The statements below must be in the following order: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY.

  • New lines and white space don’t matter. But it is common to put those five commands above on new lines.

  • Character values must be in single quotes.

  • You can use invalid variable names by putting them in double quotes (same as using backticks in R).

    • Some folks always use double quotes because it is not always clear what is an invalid variable name in the database management system. This is what I do below.
  • Comments in SQL have two hyphens --.

  • Make sure to put a semicolon ; at the end of a SQL statement. This will allow you to have multiple SQL queries in one chunk.

Showing Tables

  • The SHOW TABLES command can be used to get a list of all of the tables


    5 records
  • The DESCRIBE command can be used to show tables and the variables.


    5 records
    database schema name column_names column_types temporary
    flights main airlines carrier, name VARCHAR, VARCHAR FALSE
    flights main airports faa , name , lat , lon , alt , tz , dst , tzone VARCHAR, VARCHAR, DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , VARCHAR, VARCHAR FALSE
    flights main flights year , month , day , dep_time , sched_dep_time, dep_delay , arr_time , sched_arr_time, arr_delay , carrier , flight , tailnum , origin , dest , air_time , distance , hour , minute , time_hour INTEGER , INTEGER , INTEGER , INTEGER , INTEGER , DOUBLE , INTEGER , INTEGER , DOUBLE , VARCHAR , INTEGER , VARCHAR , VARCHAR , VARCHAR , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , TIMESTAMP FALSE
    flights main planes tailnum , year , type , manufacturer, model , engines , seats , speed , engine VARCHAR, INTEGER, VARCHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, VARCHAR FALSE
    flights main weather origin , year , month , day , hour , temp , dewp , humid , wind_dir , wind_speed, wind_gust , precip , pressure , visib , time_hour VARCHAR , INTEGER , INTEGER , INTEGER , INTEGER , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE , TIMESTAMP FALSE

Select Specific Columns

  • To get the columns from a data frame, use the SELECT command.

  • The syntax is like this


    SELECT <column1>, <column2>, <column3> 
    FROM <mytable>;
  • Let’s use this to get the tailnum, year, and model variables from the planes table.


    SELECT "tailnum", "year", "model" 
    FROM planes;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    tailnum year model
    N10156 2004 EMB-145XR
    N102UW 1998 A320-214
    N103US 1999 A320-214
    N104UW 1999 A320-214
    N10575 2002 EMB-145LR
    N105UW 1999 A320-214
    N107US 1999 A320-214
    N108UW 1999 A320-214
    N109UW 1999 A320-214
    N110UW 1999 A320-214
  • R equivalent


    planes |>
      select(tailnum, year, model)
  • You select every column by using *:


    SELECT * 
    FROM planes;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    tailnum year type manufacturer model engines seats speed engine
    N10156 2004 Fixed wing multi engine EMBRAER EMB-145XR 2 55 NA Turbo-fan
    N102UW 1998 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N103US 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N104UW 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N10575 2002 Fixed wing multi engine EMBRAER EMB-145LR 2 55 NA Turbo-fan
    N105UW 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N107US 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N108UW 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N109UW 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
    N110UW 1999 Fixed wing multi engine AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-214 2 182 NA Turbo-fan
  • R equivalent


  • There is no equivalent for excluding columns (like dplyr::select(-year)). You just select the ones you want.

Filter rows

  • You use the WHERE command in SQL to filter by rows.


    SELECT "flight", "distance", "origin", "dest" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "distance" < 50;
    1 records
    flight distance origin dest
    1632 17 EWR LGA
  • R equivalent:


    flights |>
      select(flight, distance, origin, dest) |>
      filter(distance < 50)
  • To test for equality, you just use one equals sign.


    SELECT "flight", "month" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "month" = 12;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight month
    745 12
    839 12
    1895 12
    1487 12
    2243 12
    939 12
    3819 12
    1441 12
    2167 12
    605 12
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, month) |>
      filter(month == 12)
  • For characters you must use single quotes, not double.


    SELECT "flight", "origin" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "origin" = 'JFK';
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight origin
    1141 JFK
    725 JFK
    79 JFK
    49 JFK
    71 JFK
    194 JFK
    1806 JFK
    1743 JFK
    303 JFK
    135 JFK
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, origin) |>
      filter(origin == "JFK")
  • You can select multiple criteria using the AND command


    SELECT "flight", "origin", "dest" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "origin" = 'JFK' AND "dest" = 'CMH';
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight origin dest
    4146 JFK CMH
    3783 JFK CMH
    4146 JFK CMH
    3783 JFK CMH
    4146 JFK CMH
    3783 JFK CMH
    4146 JFK CMH
    3783 JFK CMH
    4146 JFK CMH
    3650 JFK CMH
  • R equivalent:


    flights |>
      select(flight, origin, dest) |>
      filter(origin == "JFK", dest == "CMH")
  • You can use the OR logical operator too. Just put parentheses around your desired order of operations.


    SELECT "flight", "origin", "dest" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE ("origin" = 'JFK' OR "origin" = 'LGA') AND dest = 'CMH';
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight origin dest
    4146 JFK CMH
    3783 JFK CMH
    4146 JFK CMH
    3783 JFK CMH
    4490 LGA CMH
    4485 LGA CMH
    4426 LGA CMH
    4429 LGA CMH
    4626 LGA CMH
    4555 LGA CMH
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, origin, dest) |>
      filter(origin == "JFK" | origin == "LGA", dest == "CMH")
  • Missing data is NULL in SQL (instead of NA). We can remove them by the special command:


    SELECT "flight", "dep_delay" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "dep_delay" IS NOT NULL;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight dep_delay
    1545 2
    1714 4
    1141 2
    725 -1
    461 -6
    1696 -4
    507 -5
    5708 -3
    79 -3
    301 -2
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, dep_delay) |>
  • Just use IS if you want only the missing data observations


    SELECT "flight", "dep_delay" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "dep_delay" IS NULL;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight dep_delay
    4308 NA
    791 NA
    1925 NA
    125 NA
    4352 NA
    4406 NA
    4434 NA
    4935 NA
    3849 NA
    133 NA
  • When you are building a query, you often want to subset the rows while you are finishing it (you don’t want to return the whole table each time you are trouble shooting a query). Use LIMIT to show only the top subset.


    SELECT "flight", "origin", "dest" 
    FROM flights
    LIMIT 5;
    5 records
    flight origin dest
    1545 EWR IAH
    1714 LGA IAH
    1141 JFK MIA
    725 JFK BQN
    461 LGA ATL
  • You can also randomly sample rows via USING SAMPLE:


    SELECT "flight", "origin", "dest" 
    FROM flights
    5 records
    flight origin dest
    73 EWR SFO
    1421 EWR IAH
    1744 LGA IAH
    2261 EWR PHX
    2054 LGA CLT

Arranging Rows

  • Use ORDER BY to rearrange the rows (let’s remove missing values so we can see the ordering)


    SELECT "flight", "dep_delay" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "dep_delay" IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY "dep_delay";
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight dep_delay
    97 -43
    1715 -33
    5713 -32
    1435 -30
    837 -27
    3478 -26
    4573 -25
    4361 -25
    3318 -24
    375 -24
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, dep_delay) |>
      filter(!is.na(dep_delay)) |>
  • Use DESC after the variable to arrange in descending order


    SELECT "flight", "dep_delay" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "dep_delay" IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY "dep_delay" DESC;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight dep_delay
    51 1301
    3535 1137
    3695 1126
    177 1014
    3075 1005
    2391 960
    2119 911
    2007 899
    2047 898
    172 896
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, dep_delay) |>
      filter(!is.na(dep_delay)) |>
  • You break ties by adding more variables in the ORDER BY statement


    SELECT "flight", "origin", "dep_delay" 
    FROM flights
    WHERE "dep_delay" IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY "origin" DESC, "dep_delay";
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight origin dep_delay
    1715 LGA -33
    5713 LGA -32
    1435 LGA -30
    837 LGA -27
    3478 LGA -26
    4573 LGA -25
    375 LGA -24
    4065 LGA -24
    2223 LGA -24
    5956 LGA -23
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(flight, origin, dep_delay) |>
      filter(!is.na(dep_delay)) |>
      arrange(desc(origin), dep_delay)


  • In SQL, you mutate variables while you SELECT. You use AS to specify what the new variable is called (choosing a variable name is called “aliasing” in SQL).


    SELECT <expression> AS <myvariable> 
    FROM <mytable>;
  • Let’s calculate average speed from the flights table. We’ll also keep the flight number, distance, and air time variables.


    SELECT "flight", "distance" / "air_time" AS "speed", "distance", "air_time" 
    FROM flights;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight speed distance air_time
    1545 6.167 1400 227
    1714 6.238 1416 227
    1141 6.806 1089 160
    725 8.612 1576 183
    461 6.569 762 116
    1696 4.793 719 150
    507 6.740 1065 158
    5708 4.321 229 53
    79 6.743 944 140
    301 5.312 733 138
  • R equivalent:


    flights |>
      select(flight, distance, air_time) |>
      mutate(speed = distance / air_time)
  • Various transformation functions also exist:

    • LN(): Natural log transformation.
    • EXP(): Exponentiation.
    • SQRT(): Square root.
    • POW(): Power transformation.
      • POW(2.0, x) would be \(2^x\)
      • POW(x, 2.0) would be \(x^2\)
  • DuckDB is good about implicit coercion. E.g., the following integer division results in a double:

    SELECT DISTINCT "month", "day", "day" / "month" AS "ratio"
    FROM flights
    WHERE "month" >= 5
    ORDER BY "month", "day";
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    month day ratio
    5 1 0.2
    5 2 0.4
    5 3 0.6
    5 4 0.8
    5 5 1.0
    5 6 1.2
    5 7 1.4
    5 8 1.6
    5 9 1.8
    5 10 2.0
  • But many SQL backends are not so good about implicit coercion.

  • Use CAST() to convert to a double before operations that should produce doubles.

    SELECT DISTINCT "month", "day", CAST("day" AS DOUBLE) / CAST("month" AS DOUBLE) AS "ratio"
    FROM flights
    WHERE "month" >= 5
    ORDER BY "month", "day";
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    month day ratio
    5 1 0.2
    5 2 0.4
    5 3 0.6
    5 4 0.8
    5 5 1.0
    5 6 1.2
    5 7 1.4
    5 8 1.6
    5 9 1.8
    5 10 2.0
  • Mutating over partition can be done with OVER (PARTITION BY <variable>). E.g., here is how you find the flight numbers for the longest flights (in terms of air time) from each airport

    SELECT "flight", "origin", "air_time"
      SELECT "flight", "origin", "air_time", MAX("air_time") OVER (PARTITION BY "origin") AS "amax"
      FROM flights
    WHERE "air_time" = "amax"
    3 records
    flight origin air_time
    51 JFK 691
    15 EWR 695
    745 LGA 331
  • In the above, I chained two SQL queries. Your FROM statement can be the output of another SQL query surrounded by parentheses.

Group Summaries

  • SQL has a few summary functions (SQL calls these “Aggregates”)

    • COUNT(): Count the number of rows.
    • AVG(): Calculate average.
    • MEDIAN(): Median (not standard across all DBMS’s).
    • SUM(): Summation.
    • MIN(): Minimum.
    • MAX(): Maximum.
    • STDDEV(): Standard deviation.
    • VARIANCE(): Variance
  • By default, all missing data are ignored (like setting na.rm = TRUE).

  • These are calculated in a SELECT command

  • Let’s calculate the average departue delay


    SELECT AVG("dep_delay") AS "dep_delay" 
    FROM flights;
    1 records
  • R equivalent:


    flights |>
      summarize(dep_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE))
  • Use the GROUP BY command to calculate group summaries.


    SELECT "origin", AVG("dep_delay")
    FROM flights
    GROUP BY "origin";
    3 records
    origin avg(dep_delay)
    JFK 12.11
    LGA 10.35
    EWR 15.11
  • R equivalent


    flights |>
      select(origin, dep_delay) |>
      group_by(origin) |>
      summarize(dep_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE))
  • You can get distinct rows by using the prefix DISTINCT in a SELECT statement. E.g. the following will pick up all unique origins

    SELECT DISTINCT "origin" 
    FROM flights;
    3 records

Creating Grouped Summaries without Grouping the Results

  • This section is based on Richard Ressler’s notes.

  • There may be times when you want to add a grouped summary to the data without collapsing the data into the groups.

  • As an example, you want to calculate the total departure delay time for each destination so you can use it to then calculate the percentage of that departure delay time for each airline flying to that destination.

  • You could do that with a summarized dataframe and then a join.

  • in R, this can be done by using mutate() instead of summarize() to add a new column to the data frame while preserving all of the rows.

  • In SQL, you have to indicate you want to use the aggregate function as a Window Function to combine grouped aggregated and non-aggregated data into a single result-set table.

  • When operating as a window function, the table is partitioned into sets of records based on a Field.

  • Then, the aggregate function is applied to the set of records in each partition and a new field is added to the record with the aggregated value for that partition.

  • To use an aggregate function as a window function, use the OVER clause with a (PARTITION BY myfield) modifier.

  • Here is how you find the flight numbers for the longest flights (in terms of air time) from each airport.


        OVER (PARTITION BY "origin") AS "amax"
    LIMIT 10 OFFSET 120827;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight origin air_time amax
    1100 EWR 324 695
    449 EWR 82 695
    4382 EWR 87 695
    4691 EWR 114 695
    1037 EWR 330 695
    1266 EWR 301 695
    1199 EWR 38 695
    3709 EWR 114 695
    4407 EWR 164 695
    580 EWR 192 695
  • Note the amax field is new and the values are all the same for the records for each origin.

  • See SQL Window Functions or SQL PARTITION BY Clause overview for other examples.

  • This approach can be useful as a sub-query (or inner nested query) inside the outer query FROM clause.

  • Here is how you find the flight numbers and destination for the longest flights (in terms of air time) from each airport after using the sub-query to find the longest air time from each origin.


            MAX("air_time") OVER (PARTITION BY "origin") AS "amax"
        "air_time" = "amax"
    3 records
    flight origin dest air_time
    51 JFK HNL 691
    15 EWR HNL 695
    745 LGA DEN 331
  • Note that all fields used in the outer query must be returned by the inner query


  • Use the following CASE-WHEN syntax to recode values


    SELECT "flight", "origin", CASE
        WHEN ("origin" = 'JFK') THEN 'John F. Kennedy'
        WHEN ("origin" = 'LGA') THEN 'LaGaurdia'
        WHEN ("origin" = 'EWR') THEN 'Newark Liberty'
        END AS "olong"
    FROM flights;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight origin olong
    1545 EWR Newark Liberty
    1714 LGA LaGaurdia
    1141 JFK John F. Kennedy
    725 JFK John F. Kennedy
    461 LGA LaGaurdia
    1696 EWR Newark Liberty
    507 EWR Newark Liberty
    5708 LGA LaGaurdia
    79 JFK John F. Kennedy
    301 LGA LaGaurdia
  • R equivalent:


    flights |>
      select(flight, origin) |>
      mutate(olong = case_when(
        origin == "JFK" ~ "John F. Kennedy",
        origin == "LGA" ~ "LaGuardia",
        origin == "EWR" ~ "Newark Liberty")
    ## or
    flights |>
      select(flight, origin) |>
      mutate(olong = recode(
        "JFK" = "John F. Kennedy",
        "LGA" = "LaGuardia",
        "EWR" = "Newark Liberty")
  • You can also use CASE-WHEN to recode based on other logical operations


    SELECT "flight", "air_time", CASE
        WHEN ("air_time" > 2500) THEN 'Long'
        WHEN ("air_time" <= 2500) THEN 'Short'
        END AS "qual_dist"
    FROM flights;
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight air_time qual_dist
    1545 227 Short
    1714 227 Short
    1141 160 Short
    725 183 Short
    461 116 Short
    1696 150 Short
    507 158 Short
    5708 53 Short
    79 140 Short
    301 138 Short
  • R equivalent:


    flights |>
      select(flight, air_time) |>
      mutate(qual_dist = case_when(
        air_time > 2500 ~ "Long",
        air_time <= 2500 ~ "Short")
    ## or
    flights |>
      select(flight, air_time) |>
      mutate(qual_dist = if_else(air_time > 2500, "Long", "Short"))


  • For joining, in the SELECT call, you write out all of the columns in both tables that you are joining.

  • If there are shared column names, you need to distinguish between the two via table1."var" or table2."var" etc…

  • Use LEFT JOIN to declare a left join, and ON to declare the keys.


    -- flight is from the flights table
    -- type is from the planes table
    -- both tables have a tailnum column, so we need to tell them apart
    -- if you list both tailnums in SELECT, you'll get two tailnum columns
    SELECT "flight", flights."tailnum", "type" 
    FROM flights
    JOIN planes
    ON flights."tailnum" = planes."tailnum";
    Displaying records 1 - 10
    flight tailnum type
    569 N846UA Fixed wing multi engine
    4424 N19966 Fixed wing multi engine
    684 N809UA Fixed wing multi engine
    1279 N328NB Fixed wing multi engine
    1691 N34137 Fixed wing multi engine
    1447 N117UW Fixed wing multi engine
    583 N632JB Fixed wing multi engine
    3574 N790SW Fixed wing multi engine
    3351 N711MQ Fixed wing multi engine
    303 N502UA Fixed wing multi engine
  • R equivalent:


    planes |>
      select(tailnum, type) ->
    flights |>
      select(flight, tailnum) |>
      left_join(planes2, by = "tailnum")
    ## # A tibble: 336,776 × 3
    ##    flight tailnum type                   
    ##     <int> <chr>   <chr>                  
    ##  1   1545 N14228  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  2   1714 N24211  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  3   1141 N619AA  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  4    725 N804JB  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  5    461 N668DN  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  6   1696 N39463  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  7    507 N516JB  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  8   5708 N829AS  Fixed wing multi engine
    ##  9     79 N593JB  Fixed wing multi engine
    ## 10    301 N3ALAA  <NA>                   
    ## # ℹ 336,766 more rows
  • The other joins are:


Creating some Tables

  • You can create tables using SQL.

  • Let’s create a new, temporary, connection that we can put some example tables in.


    tmpcon <- dbConnect(duckdb())
  • You can use CREATE TABLE to declare new tables and INSERT INTO to insert new rows into that table.

    • Note that I am putting a semicolon “;” after each SQL call in the same code chunk.


    CREATE TABLE table4a (
        "country" VARCHAR,
        "1999"   INTEGER,
        "2000"   INTEGER
    INSERT INTO table4a ("country", "1999", "2000") 
            ('Afghanistan',    745,   2666),
            ('Brazil'     ,  37737,  80488),
            ('China'      , 212258, 213766);
  • But DBI::dbWriteTable() will add a table to a connection from R.


    data("table1", package = "tidyr")
    dbWriteTable(conn = tmpcon, name = "table1", value = table1)
    data("table2", package = "tidyr")
    dbWriteTable(conn = tmpcon, name = "table2", value = table2)
    data("table3", package = "tidyr")
    dbWriteTable(conn = tmpcon, name = "table3", value = table3)
    data("table4b", package = "tidyr")
    dbWriteTable(conn = tmpcon, name = "table4b", value = table4b)
    data("table5", package = "tidyr")
    dbWriteTable(conn = tmpcon, name = "table5", value = table5)
  • Here they are:


    6 records
    database schema name column_names column_types temporary
    memory main table1 country , year , cases , population VARCHAR, DOUBLE , DOUBLE , DOUBLE FALSE
    memory main table2 country, year , type , count VARCHAR, DOUBLE , VARCHAR, DOUBLE FALSE
    memory main table3 country, year , rate VARCHAR, DOUBLE , VARCHAR FALSE
    memory main table4a country, 1999 , 2000 VARCHAR, INTEGER, INTEGER FALSE
    memory main table4b country, 1999 , 2000 VARCHAR, DOUBLE , DOUBLE FALSE
    memory main table5 country, century, year , rate VARCHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR FALSE

Tidyr stuff

  • Recall the four main verbs of tidying: gathering, spreading, separating, and uniting.

  • These are very rarely used in SQL.

  • SQL is used mostly to query a subset of data. You would then load in that data using more advanced methods (R, Python, Excel, etc).

  • It’s still possible to spread and gather (but not separate and unite), but a huge pain and folks don’t typically do it.

Writing Tables to a CSV File

  • You can use COPY TO to write the outputs of a SQL query to a CSV file.

  • The syntax for this is


    Your SQL query goes here
    TO 'myfile.csv' (HEADER, DELIMITER ',');
  • Let’s write some group summaries to a CSV file


    SELECT "origin", AVG("dep_delay")
    FROM flights
    GROUP BY "origin"
    TO 'summaries.csv' (HEADER, DELIMITER ',');
  • This is what the resulting file looks like:

    ## origin,avg(dep_delay)
    ## LGA,10.3468756464944
    ## JFK,12.112159099217665
    ## EWR,15.10795435218885

Passing SQL output to R in R Markdown

Calling SQL from R

Use R to generate SQL with {dbplyr}

Closing the Connection


The file starwars.duckdb contains the Star Wars database from the {starwarsdb} R package. Only use SQL to answer the following questions.

  1. Download these data and open a connection to the database.

  2. Print out a summary of the tables in this database.

  3. Select the entire people table.

  4. Select just the name, height, mass, and species variables from the people table.

  5. Add to the above query by selecting only the humans and droids.

  6. Remove the individuals with missing mass data from the above query.

  7. Modify the above query to calculate the average height and mass for humans and droids.

  8. Make sure that Droids are in the first row and Humans are in the second row in the above summary output.

  9. Here is the summary of the keys for the database from the {starwarsdb} GitHub page.


    Select all films with characters whose homeworld is Kamino.

  10. Filter the people table to only contain humans from Tatooine and export the result to a CSV file called “folks.csv”.

  11. Close the SQL connection.